There is a small problem with your checkpoint system. You don't need them to end the map. You can drive off the road, jump to the ramp that leads to CP4, and end from there. An easy fix would be to check if all CPs are collected at the end of the map. Tested on 1.1 day.
i really liked the game, the only thing that bothered me was the resolution, my monitor is 1360x768 and both in 720p when 1080p was not good in full screen
Found a bug where if you go on the part where it switches the camera to First Person and then proceed to reset it keeps it in First Person instead of also resetting it back to Third Perso
Honest review of a hobby game dev and Trackmania enthusiast:
The game is VERY sluggish to run, even on low settings, reduced resolution and windowed mode. My PC is not low spec, more like mid, so I should be getting some mildly better performance; Unreal engine is a bad choice imo;
You should add settings to change controls from WASD to the arrow keys;
The track is waaay too difficult. Since the car has some input lag, combined with how tight the track is and how landing bugs occur on half the times I land a jump, the track is needlessly difficult. And if you dont get the perfect turn, you can forget about even landing the first jump. It feels more like a rage game, rather than a time attack. You need to let your players actually finish the track in order for them to even attempt the leaderboard challenge.
As mentioned above, the road is very tight for the size of the car, and too shiny. Its difficult to gauge distances and curves with all the glare from the surrounding sky and terrain.
With how difficult the map is to even maneuver, let alone finish, at least place checkpoints a little bit more often.
Overall good first attempt, but much is lacking. Good luck with future updates.
Thanks for the fededback! As for #1, I've tweaked the game optimization for a 40fps increase and will post and updated version later today.
2. This will be added in the future.
3.It's meant to be tricky! I've taken feedback with people finding the jumps hard, and increased the top speed with about 5kmh, making it easier to land jumps. I've also tweaked the steering rate so there's less of a delay.
Appreciate the feedback! Let me know if it feels better to play after the new version is out :)
FPS is very good now. But the car engine is nowhere to be heard. Music sound is fine though.
With the better FPS I was able to reach the second white tunnel, which is nice.
But this leads me to say what I and many have said before - its too hard. I understand you want it to be hard, but even the first jump is difficult. Any difficult game at least give the player a moment to adjust and learn the basics. Your first checkpoint is close to the start, but to reach it and the following road you need to make a perfect turn which is IMMEDIATELY after the start and has a really weird angle of turning. Not getting it perfect just either means you bonk the checkpoint, or clip the back wheels on the following road, either flinging you into the side, or killing your speed for the rest of the track.
Next part is fine, tube and ring jump is alright, but it needs to have a checkpoint after you land the rings. But for landing the road after the jump outside the second tunnel - please add some marker in the sky, and arrow or a landmark to aim. Driving through a white pipe, with the only thing visible at the end being the bright blue sky, I have no idea where to aim. Even if I think I have the perfect straight line, the pipe just decides I'm flying to the left of the road.
Overall, 1.1 is a big improvement on performance, but your mapping is frustrating and the controls need to be expanded to arrows. Car handling is a whole other beast I'm not going to review today.
i just played this today and was thinking what's wrong with the controls today. this comment made me realize it was a slight input lag. i think games should immediately respond to input event even if there is an animation to be runned (except death/fail situations of course).
i'm not gonna rant about performance/optimization, since people already said that.
one of my problem was the main menu is too much generic. there is near perfect designs in unreal markeplace and artstation. @Hazardous i think you should implement a good UI template for menus. i personaly in love with UI of the Control game. (ref:
Overall, the game has a good future i presume. I hope this comes to Steam even as a early access title. I would definitely buy for supporting you.
thanks for the tip! Yes the menu is very basic, no custom graphics as I focused more on the gameplay. A custom UI like that would be great if it's ever made into a full game!
Just wanted to say congrats on the launch, game looks awesome just hope that there is potentially a Mac version in the works so that way i can try it out myself :)
im not sure if its just me but there is insane drag on my care whenever I turn left or right. after I turn to straighten myself, it puts me back into a slight turn.
just a heads up, because this may have been intentionally done, but I'm pretty sure its impossible to make the jump from the first pipe to the next platform without having to reverse for a bigger run up from the closest checkpoint before the pipe. I'm sure this would work if you can free flow the whole level perfectly, but I'm not very good at the game and have to reset a lot. Apart from that though the game is decent. good job man!
Thanks! Yes some section you need to carry speed all the way to the next checkpoint in order to make it, it's a challenge :) Keep at it and hopefully you get it!
ive been watching you make this game for the past while now, i kinda thought the physics for the car would be bad, but when i tryed it for myself the car and road felt really nic
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All I get is a black screen
There is a small problem with your checkpoint system. You don't need them to end the map. You can drive off the road, jump to the ramp that leads to CP4, and end from there. An easy fix would be to check if all CPs are collected at the end of the map. Tested on 1.1 day.
Yep I’m aware of this! Will look into adding a system for checking crossed points :)
Very nice game!
Found a bug where if you go on the part where it switches the camera to First Person and then proceed to reset it keeps it in First Person instead of also resetting it back to Third Perso
Am aware of this and will be fixed :)
I loved the game and hope you continue.10/10
Is it difficult, to build a Mac-compatible version?
I know I know we don't play on Mac, but I don't have anything else, right now :D
PLEASE HELP its .rar for me why is it like this?
check the tutorial or install instrucions
Can you make a web version? i cant download this on school chromebook...
way to demanding for a web version, so not planning on it :)
Would you be able to elaborate on that, do you have to change sprites and like dumb the game down so it can be on web version?
it’s too graphically advanced to be a browser game.
ok, that's a-ok and what I thought might be it...I'll be sure to play it later in life! I'll come back and I will still watch ur channel!
Honest review of a hobby game dev and Trackmania enthusiast:
Overall good first attempt, but much is lacking. Good luck with future updates.
Thanks for the fededback! As for #1, I've tweaked the game optimization for a 40fps increase and will post and updated version later today.
2. This will be added in the future.
3.It's meant to be tricky! I've taken feedback with people finding the jumps hard, and increased the top speed with about 5kmh, making it easier to land jumps. I've also tweaked the steering rate so there's less of a delay.
Appreciate the feedback! Let me know if it feels better to play after the new version is out :)
Just tried out v1.1
FPS is very good now. But the car engine is nowhere to be heard. Music sound is fine though.
With the better FPS I was able to reach the second white tunnel, which is nice.
But this leads me to say what I and many have said before - its too hard. I understand you want it to be hard, but even the first jump is difficult. Any difficult game at least give the player a moment to adjust and learn the basics. Your first checkpoint is close to the start, but to reach it and the following road you need to make a perfect turn which is IMMEDIATELY after the start and has a really weird angle of turning. Not getting it perfect just either means you bonk the checkpoint, or clip the back wheels on the following road, either flinging you into the side, or killing your speed for the rest of the track.
Next part is fine, tube and ring jump is alright, but it needs to have a checkpoint after you land the rings. But for landing the road after the jump outside the second tunnel - please add some marker in the sky, and arrow or a landmark to aim. Driving through a white pipe, with the only thing visible at the end being the bright blue sky, I have no idea where to aim. Even if I think I have the perfect straight line, the pipe just decides I'm flying to the left of the road.
Overall, 1.1 is a big improvement on performance, but your mapping is frustrating and the controls need to be expanded to arrows. Car handling is a whole other beast I'm not going to review today.
i just played this today and was thinking what's wrong with the controls today. this comment made me realize it was a slight input lag. i think games should immediately respond to input event even if there is an animation to be runned (except death/fail situations of course).
i'm not gonna rant about performance/optimization, since people already said that.
one of my problem was the main menu is too much generic. there is near perfect designs in unreal markeplace and artstation. @Hazardous i think you should implement a good UI template for menus. i personaly in love with UI of the Control game. (ref:
Overall, the game has a good future i presume. I hope this comes to Steam even as a early access title. I would definitely buy for supporting you.
thanks for the tip! Yes the menu is very basic, no custom graphics as I focused more on the gameplay. A custom UI like that would be great if it's ever made into a full game!
how do you guys do the first jump
YAAAY! I've been following your progress on YouTube and I want to say CONGRATS on the launch!!!
The same thing is happening to me too. Can someone please help???
did u download the day time to or the night time one?
I did both and neither work
damn idk what it could be
ye me neither
what GPU are you using?
intel(r) uhd graphics
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU and all the drivers are all updated.
that’s very odd, should be no issues with that card. I have it written down and will look into it!
thank you!!!
Just wanted to say congrats on the launch, game looks awesome just hope that there is potentially a Mac version in the works so that way i can try it out myself :)
I played the game i like it but i would like if You could add in the setting a bar for the engine sound to make it sound louder or quiter
hey i need help with something whenever i launch the game it says fatal error
for more realistic materials, there is a free automative materials pack with realistic paint, colours and more:
I have a problem, the game starts up but does not pass the loading screen? Any solutions?
im not sure if its just me but there is insane drag on my care whenever I turn left or right. after I turn to straighten myself, it puts me back into a slight turn.
developer of this game, is this a rage game?
haha, could be challenging for some. Many people have finished in less than 3 mins so just takes some practice!
hi can you pleas try to make a mac version ;D
Instead of having separate games for night and day, add a setting in the game that lets you switch between them.
I had some problems setting this up but this will be a feature in an updated version :)
how did you get a timer, is it in the game mode blueprint or the ui blueprint?
UI blueprint :) Casted to a timer that is in the vehicle blueprint, with a float timer value that can be accessed and split into 0:00.000 in the UI.
can you make more levels
has anyone seen the lights underwater lol
that’s just the hidden back to the future mode
just a heads up, because this may have been intentionally done, but I'm pretty sure its impossible to make the jump from the first pipe to the next platform without having to reverse for a bigger run up from the closest checkpoint before the pipe. I'm sure this would work if you can free flow the whole level perfectly, but I'm not very good at the game and have to reset a lot. Apart from that though the game is decent. good job man!
Thanks! Yes some section you need to carry speed all the way to the next checkpoint in order to make it, it's a challenge :) Keep at it and hopefully you get it!
I don't know how to run the game?
How do you run a rar file?
You dowload winrar, extract it and open the exe file inside it duh
unpack it
Just posted a tutorial for it, see here:
Very nice work :)
i can't launch the game for some reason, it just says "Fatal error"
ik this probably isnt something you can really work on or know how to fix, but just so its out there
Hmm, not sure what would cause it! Haven't heard it happen for anyone else yet. try re-downloading?
Me too,Can You please tell me the system req
ive been watching you make this game for the past while now, i kinda thought the physics for the car would be bad, but when i tryed it for myself the car and road felt really nic
glad to hear!
åttonde, (jag kan inte engelska) skit kul spel men svårt att styra, styrningen är seg i början.
Svårt att få det flyta för alla, är meningen att man måste hålla in lite för att svänga, men man lär sig realtivt snabbt!
seventh, 😎 im the best player 100%
Awesome game! keep up the videos.
Sixth, haven't played yet but I'm sure it's great!
Check the install instructions, should work fine! :)
Fifth, Love the game brought with the amazing uploads!
Fourth, amazing game!
Third, game looks so good
Second, this game looks amazing now!
loove the game btw